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7 Great Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Healthy Living | July 18, 2023

A group of seniors participating in outdoor activites as they take a nature walk through the park.

While your lifestyle may change as you age, spending time outdoors and taking part in physical activity should continue to be an important part of your retirement. There’s a wide array of activities you can do outdoors, such as group outings and some sports, which can enrich your retirement and encourage a healthy lifestyle. 

It’s important that you consider your mobility and endurance when deciding which activities you would like to participate in. It’s important for seniors to avoid activities that are too strenuous and, instead, focus on hobbies that are fun and engaging. We should also note that outdoor activities, while great for your health, can be exhausting. You should keep track of how well you are feeling and take breaks as often as you need to catch your breath and hydrate.

To help you find your next favorite hobby, we put together a list of seven fun outdoor activities for seniors to consider the next time you want to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine.

Embracing the Great Outdoors

There is no better place to be on a warm sunny day than in the great outdoors. Whether you’re looking to be physically active or just want to spend some time picnicking in your garden, there is a wide array of engaging outdoor activities for seniors to take part in when the weather is cooperating. We took some time to list a few favorite activities that can help get you inspired to explore your community.


Golf is one of the most popular recreational activities for seniors for good reason. It’s a low-impact sport that works all the muscles in your body and builds you stamina. If you want to stay in shape without breaking a sweat, consider taking up golf. 

On top of that, it’s an excellent hobby for retirees looking to make new friends. Whether you’re meeting up with other seniors for a meal at the clubhouse or participating in a local senior’s league, there are plenty of social opportunities for seniors who golf.

Community Events & Markets 

Local community centers and retirement communities are constantly hosting outdoor activities during warmer months. Be sure to check out your library or community website to see what’s going on in your city or in your community. Between food festivals, farmers markets, outdoor craft shows, and classes at your local community center – you’re sure to find something that interests you. 

Outdoor Walk 

Walking is an excellent way to get some fresh air and activity in your day. Whether you’re looking for a more advanced hike or just want to explore a short walking trail, walking benefits older adults in a wide variety of ways. From taking a short walk around your neighborhood to exploring new hiking trails with friends, walking is a great outdoor activity that you can take at your own pace. 


Have you ever paused your morning routine to listen to the beautiful melody from a nearby Warbler or Wren? If so, you might be interested in bird watching.

From exploring local parks for rare birds to chatting with other enthusiasts, bird watching is a beloved hobby that is incredibly popular among senior communities. As is the case with most hobbies, learning about birding and becoming a part of the community of birdwatchers is just as fun and engaging as the activity itself.

Birdwatching is a great outdoor activity if you’re looking to explore nature at your own pace or to join an active community of other hobbyists.


Pickleball was designed with senior mobility in mind and is the perfect activity to get your body moving this summer. Pickleball is an accessible and social game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. With its growing popularity among retirees, pickleball courts and leagues are popping up across the country. With only a paddle and a plastic ball, you can join in on the fun at a local court. 


Gardening is a classic hobby that, with the right tools, just about anyone can learn. Whether you’re a seasoned pro with a green thumb or you can barely keep a houseplant alive, gardening is the perfect excuse to get outside and grow something with your own hands. This is a great choice if you’re not looking to be too physically active or just want a relaxed hobby you can peacefully participate in.


If you are looking to try a fun outdoor activity the whole family will love, consider going on a picnic! Whether you are staying near your home or exploring a local park with your kids and grandchildren, picnicking is a fantastic activity that gets you outside in the sun but doesn’t require much physical activity. Pack up a favorite meal, pick out a nice bench or grassy area, and enjoy.

Encouraging a Long and Healthy Retirement 

Outdoor activity is important for adults as they age to maintain mobility and reduce health risks and depression. Fresh air and sunshine are essential to a long and prosperous life. 

Whether it’s participating in outdoor activities or dealing with senior housing, it’s important to do what you can to make sure you enjoy your senior years. 

Trying to figure out the best senior housing option for your personal lifestyle and needs? Find out which senior living options are in your area or give us a call at 844-465-6063 to talk to one of our friendly staff members today.

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